Here’s Everything I Wrote in 2019

In 2019, I published a few articles in Portuguese and International media outlets about Feminism and the work we’ve been developing at Portuguese Women in Tech and about my experience as a Marshall Memorial Fellow.
In case you missed any of them or are looking for something to read, I thought I would put them here — all in one place.
Freedom for the 10 Percent Only
USA, China and the rest of the world, a love triangle
2020, o ano do tudo ou nada para a diversidade e inclusão
Maternidade, principal promotor de desigualdade salarial entre homens e mulheres
Desigualdade de género no trabalho: é urgente agir já
Liderar é, naturalmente, coisa de mulher
Homens feministas precisam-se!
Entre zeros e uns a distância é curta. E no género?
A melhor resolução de… Inês Santos Silva
To see what I’ve read in the past and what I’m reading now, follow me on GoodReads. I’ve also created a channel on Telegram where I share the content I consume. Feel free to join.